All of those with a rock gut, well here is a news just for you! 44 year old Jesse James accidentally cut the top of his right pinky finger off!! And unfortunately doctors at the University Medical Center Brackenridge in Texas were not able to save the tip of his digit.
It is not the prettiest of pictures that is for sure. While working a machine at his garage in Texas the little accident took place; the motorcycle customizer then called TMZ and shared the news to the world.
He also posted the photo on his Instagram, along with the caption
“Doesn’t look like this little dude’s gonna make it, Nice know’n you little buddy.”
But what happened exactly? He explained that one of his gloves got caught in one of the machines and it wound up slicing off the top of his finger.
“My wife and I were on the floor looking around for the finger so we could put it on ice and haul … to the hospital.” he said.
Even though they found it, unfortunately the tip couldn’t be re-attached.
Ouch!!! Well doesn’t that looks painful! And although it certainly is, Jesse has shown to be a true manly man! He said doctors tried to give him morphine you know, for the pain but he said no, thank you!
Apparently he doesn’t like the way “that stuff” makes him fell and rather feel a little bit of pain!! Good thing is he is taking it with his usual sense of humor
I asked them if they could sew my fingerprint on upside-down, just for fun … It’s not that bad.
And what does he think of his new look??
I think sometimes looking at yourself mangled is worse than the actual injury itself…but I’m fine, I’m good.”
Well, with the top of his pinky missing or not we still like you Jesse!
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