Meet the trainer who shaped Nina Davuluri into beauty queen material! She is Tia Falcone-mcintyre. She is a personal trainer, corrective exercise specialist, nutritionist and she loves dogs!
Tia worked in the restaurant industry for many years and ignored all messages of pain her body was trying to send her. By 37 she was “labeled” 75% disabled. You can read more about her personal testimony on Tia Falcone Fitness here.
Tia first met up with Nina weighting 150 pounds; hoping to shed 15 of those pounds in one month for the Miss Greater Rochester pageant — the first step on her way to the Miss America crown.
Tia’s approach consisted in free weights, circuit training, resistance bands, kettle bells and more, all while following a strict food plan, Nina dropped even more weight and won the title of Miss Greater Rochester in April 2012. By June, she weighed just 117 pounds.
The now ecstatic and confident Miss America says,
“In the three months I worked with Tia, I lost a total of 28 pounds!”
Tia has taught me that the most important thing we can do for ourselves is to take care of our health and well-being.”
Falcone’s hometown is Syracuse, New York where she currently lives. She attended Liverpool High School and later Bryant & Stratton College in Albany, NY. She is the owner of “Tia Falcone Fitness” located in Syracuse.
After leading an unhealthy life she says,
I quit smoking and started exercising slowly, but regularly. I adopted healthy eating habits and learned how to make better choices for my health and well-being.
Tia posted on her timeline yesterday
On my way back from A.C.I simply could not be prouder if Nina! She was spectacularly poised and beautiful!! No one deserves it more all her! ALL HER sacrifice, all the days of training and eating clean have paid off for I knew it would! This just proves to anyone who has weight to lose if she could do it so can you!!My Beautiful inside and out girl DID IT!!LOVE U NINA!!
You can find her on Facebook here and twitter here.
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