Have you heard about the latest creative invention in plastic surgery? Looking to smile without actually smiling? then this is for you!
There is a new trend in plastic surgery called “Lipt” which is the fusion of both “lip” and lift” words. First we need to keep in mind a smile shapes up the eyes and mouth corners.
According to several studies mouth corners play a major role in determining weather someone’s impression is good or bad; a persons image can be determined by a facial expression. Often kids understand an adult in angry by looking at their turn down mouth corner, that’s how much mouth corners can impact our expression; on the contrary if mouth corners are lift up a smile is created and whole other picture is portrayed.
But is it really necessary to go under the knife and spend a few thousands to get a smile, when it should be something that comes natural for all? As crazy as it may seem pictures of the new procedure have surfaced causing split opinions. While the authenticity of the photo hasn’t been confirmed, the surgery it’s the real deal. The freaky image hit Reddit earlier this week, the results show the Asian girl with her new smile after going through the “new plastic surgery in Asia that curls the corners of your lips.”
According to reports the AONE clinic in South Korea is responsible for the procedure, which gives the patient the appearance of a permanent smile.
The alleged advantages of the surgery is creating a smile without having to smile in order to create a much “brighter” image of the person. So who should have the “smile lipt” surgery? people with sagging mouth corners, people with small mouths, people with asymmetric lips and mouth corners, people with less distinct lip contour, people with no confidence in their smiles or those who show gum while smiling.
The video explanation of the bizarre procedure says western people have longer mouth corners than Korean people therefore the good Docs, search for a way to recreate this natural trait; South Korea has become the world leader in per-capita plastic surgery, according to data from the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons. The data estimates 20 percent of South Korean women have gone under the knife in this quest for finer features.
Would you be down for it?? The surgery has already gained some distinctive nicknames such as “the joker look” what are your thought about the disturbing trend?
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