News!!! Ashley Kaufmann tested positive in the DNA proof and now we are 100% sure she is indeed Michael Lohan’s daughter. Lindsey, the brat girl from Hollywood, and all her siblings have a new sister… Though only share their dad. He was involved in this affair with Kristy Horn back in the ‘94. All this secret was finally discovered in National TV (in a talk show from NBC!) Specifically in The Trisha Goddard Show. Daddy, Kristy and Ashley were all in the show at that time…
Kristi has been struggling for years trying to demonstrate that Michael is her daughter’s father. The teenager is now 17 yrs old. Some years ago, there were rumors that Michael was Ashley´s father. He of course denied this. In 2008, a judge from Montana wrote his name on her birth certificate.
Michael met Ashley for the first time during the broadcast of the show. When the results of the test were read, he tried to hug the girl but she refused. She is the sister in between Ali and Cody Lohan.
Ashley finds this positive, since she is looking forward becoming a pop star. Being a Lohan can be good too. Though they are famous for the scandals, she is determined to use it in her favor. At age 16 she started working to become a singer. She already has a name on stage: AshleyA. She also has a single, “Play With The Boys”.
Kristi is different than Dina on the matter that she keeps all the dirty laundry from her daughter well hidden. She is unknown in sites as FB or Twitter.
Ashely is not interested in playing the dad-daughter role-play now. She says he has closed the doors for her all these years. Now Michael, not only will have a new baby with his GF Kate but added a new daughter to the family too!
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