When Cristy Nicole Deweese posed for Playboy, the then 18 year old was possibly thinking the money would help her pay for her needs outside of tuition, and reach her goal of becoming a Spanish teacher. But as we all know, what’s on the internet stays on the internet ….. FOREVER, and for everyone to see.
While she was posing for the shoot, a behind the scenes video shows her declaring that her goal was to be a Spanish teacher in high school. Well, two and a half years later, she achieved this goal. Today, at 21, she is now teaching at Yvonne Ewell Townview Center, a Dallas ISD magnet school. Unfortunately, students have found these pictures and tapes and now the Texas Education Agency is not sure what it should do. One higher up there calls it a “murky situation”
.Students and parents are pretty much divided about how the Agency should respond. Some say it’s a distraction especially to the boys who wouldn’t see her as a role model. Other students have tweeted that she is really a very nice and a good teacher.
As far as distractions go, most high school boys probably would be distracted by a young and pretty teacher anyway. What the outcome of this issue will be we don’t know, as this is her first year teaching, and first years are usually probationary contracts. The District could decide just not to renew her contract.
What do you think? Is this fair? Each side does have somewhat of a point. Give us your opinion.
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